Global Learning

At Perrymount we aspire for our children to be global citizens through the teaching and promotion of the Global Learning core aims so to help pupils understand their rights and responsibilities as citizens.  The core aims are:

The Global Learning Project (GLP) teaches pupil about the challenges our world faces and to think critically about issues such as poverty, inequality and sustainability.  Our aim is to for  pupils to make sense of the world in which they live and understand their role in a global society. Thus allowing them to become active and engaged learners, who understand their responsibilities as citizens to promote equality, social justice and change. By using the global learning approach we are developing critical thinking skills, promoting SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural development), and fostering values such as respect and empathy.

The GLP is woven throughout our curriculum and underpins our values. All of our curriculum themes are explored through a key moral question to consider and discuss.  These are refined and reframed across the curriculum, enabling children to think critically by providing them with new perspectives. Promoting alternative ways of thinking and developing metacognitive awareness.

School Office 020 8699 4522

General Enquires:
Admissions/Wraparound Care:
All general enquires are dealt with by Ms Gambier, School Business Manager

Perrymount Primary School,
Sunderland Road, Forest Hill,
London, SE23 2PX
Head Teacher Ms Christine Keen

Any DPO issues, please contact Mr Stephen Williams,
Head of Information Security and Governance | DPO.
He can be contacted on either or 0208 314 6212