Wrap Around Care


Perrymount Primary School offers an extended schools service with our Wrap around Care

This provides children with a safe and happy environment with friends beyond the school hours. This includes a breakfast club where children are offered a healthy breakfast and we also run an after school club, (Pear Tree Club) which offers fun activities and provides a choice of healthy snacks and a light tea. Sessions are structured and supported with trained staff who provide opportunities to play, support, listen and talk with the children.

Our pricing structure is as follows:-



Breakfast Club (8:00am to 8:50am)


£5.00 per session
After School Club (3:15pm to 6:00pm)


Day Rate


Sibling Rate (if two children attend)



£15.00 per session


£10.00 per session



School Office 020 8699 4522

General Enquires: admin@perrymount.lewisham.sch.uk
Attendance: attendance@perrymount.lewisham.sch.uk
Admissions/Wraparound Care: info@perrymount.lewisham.sch.uk
All general enquires are dealt with by Ms Gambier, School Business Manager

Perrymount Primary School,
Sunderland Road, Forest Hill,
London, SE23 2PX
Head Teacher Ms Christine Keen

Any DPO issues, please contact Mr Stephen Williams,
Head of Information Security and Governance | DPO.
He can be contacted on either Stephen.Williams@lewisham.gov.uk or 0208 314 6212